Dr. Rushi

Dr. Rushi Dave

Pearland Dental Group

Increased Visibility and Greater Leads - A Case Study

Pearland Dental Group
Increase of Organically Ranking Keywords
Increase in Emergency Dental Appointment Bookings
Increase in Impressions

Client Spotlight:
A Closer Look

Pearland Dental Group is a dental practice located in Pearland, Texas. The practice offers a wide range of dental services, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and implant dentistry. When Pearland Dental Group hired NMG, they were looking to increase their online visibility and boost patient numbers.

They averaged around 200 impressions with an average of 2 to 5 clicks per day.


Increase of Organically Ranking Keywords
Increase in Emergency Dental Appointment Bookings
Increase in Impressions

A Comprehensive SEO Strategy

In July 2022, our SEO team started working on their website. We used the following strategies:

  1. Website Audit: Running a website audit to account for missing technical elements and on-page SEO issues is crucial. By beginning with a website audit, we’re able to fill in the gaps of their previous company and ensure that their users experience a fast-loading website that’s easy to navigate.
  2. Technical SEO Changes: Based on the website audit results, we make any changes that will improve website performance, such as increasing the page speed, fixing any 404 errors that are found, and removing any duplicated content.
  3. New Content: Optimized content is one of the most important aspects of a well-ranking website. By rewriting old content and creating new pages that emphasize the services they offer, we’re able to increase their online presence and rank more organically in the SERPs. When writing content, we follow E.E.A.T, ensuring we meet Google’s webmaster guidelines.
  4. Monthly Updates: Each month, our team updates two pages of content that are optimized to rank in the SERPs. Monthly work also includes checking the website’s health through audits and fixing anything that may be hindering results.
  5. Data Analytics: We implement analytic tools to track the performance of our SEO efforts. We regularly view and analyze data to make informed decisions and refine our SEO strategies.

Real Results

Over the last year, we’ve increased Pearland Dental Groups’ organic search visibility, saw a 400% percent increase in impressions, and doubled their average clicks per day.

By using keyword tracking tools, we can track the progression of certain keywords. From August 2022 to November 2023, over 15 keywords (such as Pearland dentist) moved from page three and four to page one in the SERP

Pearland Dental Search Console
Pearland Dental Rankings
Organic keyword graph for Pearland Dental

When Pearland Dental Group first hired NMG, they were only ranking organically for 50 keywords. As of November 2023, they now rank for over 500 keywords. That’s over a 900% increase

Clicks That Count: Creating Client Success With PPC Strategy

While Pearland Dental Group offers a range of services, they wanted a strong emphasis on emergency dental care for their Google Ads.


Pearland Dental Group identified key challenges including limited online visibility and a decline in monthly patient appointments. The goal was clear: to leverage the power of Google Ads to generate increased leads quickly through emergency dental services, which can turn into an increase in lifelong patients for their dental practice.

Overview of Campaign Objectives

Pearland Dental Group’s objectives that aligned with the client’s goals and would be achievable across the board:

  • Increase online visibility and brand awareness
  • Boost appointment bookings for emergency dental services
  • Increase visibility for emergency dental services
  • Attract new patients seeking emergency dental services
  • Increase life-long patients by getting new emergency dental patients in the door fast

We executed a highly effective PPC campaign for Pearland Dental Group with a focus on emergency dental services. The campaign surpassed expectations, resulting in increased online visibility, and a surge in emergency dental appointments. Using our digital strategy, Pearland Dental Group went from 75 to 250 patients monthly.

Strategy and Planning

Campaign Structure

Our PPC campaign utilized Google Ads, organized into ad groups targeting emergency dental services. We divided each ad group into different Emergency dental services Pearland Dental Group offers. Ad creatives were tailored to highlight Pearland Dental Group’s expertise in addressing immediate Emergency dental needs.

Target Audience

The target audience included local residents actively searching for emergency dental care services. Demographic and behavioral targeting ensured precise audience reach.

PPC - Pearland
PPC audience = Pearland
PPC keywords - Pearland
Pearland ad copy

Keyword Research

Comprehensive keyword research identified relevant terms related to emergency dentistry and services, like tooth extractions, broken teeth, root canals, and wisdom teeth removal, enabling the campaign to capture high-intent searches.

Ad Copy and Creative

Engaging ad copies emphasizing immediate assistance for emergency dental services at Pearland Dental Group were crafted. Continuous A/B testing (testing of ad variations) refined ad creatives for optimal performance.

Strategy Implementation

Bid Strategy

A strategic combination of manual and automated bidding strategies was employed, with regular adjustments based on performance data to maximize visibility within the specified budget.

Ad Extensions

Strategic use of ad extensions highlighting emergency and general dentistry offerings to optimize the campaign to its full potential and increase visibility and user engagement, including site links, callouts, image extensions, and more.

Budget Management

A balanced budget allocation was maintained, with daily monitoring and adjustments to ensure optimal performance and cost-effectiveness. We created the budget to be a competitive ad spend per practice.

PPC ads - pearland
PPC ad campaign - Pearland

Monitoring and Optimization

  • Performance Metrics: Key performance metrics, such as Clicks, CPC (Cost Per Click), Conversions (Calls and Form Fill-Outs), and Cost Per Conversion were closely monitored throughout the campaign, with a specific focus on emergency appointment bookings.
  • A/B Testing: Multiple rounds of testing ad variations were conducted on ad copies and creatives, leading to improved click-through rates and higher conversion rates for emergency dental services.
  • Adjustments and Optimization: Regular analysis of campaign data allowed for strategic adjustments, including keyword refinement, bid adjustments, and continuous improvement of ad creatives to meet evolving patient needs.
PPC Pearland results
PPC Pearland results

Results and Outcomes

Campaign Challenges

Minor challenges were addressed through continuous bid strategy adjustments to optimize performance. We saw several no-call no no-show appointments and were able to correlate which “Keywords” they came from. Over time our team lowered the conversion cost and increased conversions for Pearland Dental Group’s practices. This resulted in more emergency appointments being booked for Pearland Dental Group.

Key Achievements

  • 130% increase in emergency dental appointment bookings.
  • Achieved a 25% decrease in overall Cost Per Click
  • Achieved a 36% decrease in overall Cost Per Conversion

Elevating Social Media Engagement for Pearland Dental Group

The problem? Limited online engagement, inconsistent social media content posting, variety, and an underutilized platform to connect and engage with the local community and potential patients. The client needed help addressing these challenges and enhancing their social media impact.


  • Collaborative content: Shift the focus of content creation to 4-6 weekly posts that include oral health or dental insurance tips, patient testimonials, monthly specials, in-office promotions, etc.
    • Google Sheets: Generate a detailed monthly calendar for content
    • Canva: Design graphics and custom promotions
Pearland social media
pearland social media
  • Consistent posting schedule: Establish a consistent posting schedule on various platforms to ensure regular updates and audience engagement.
    • Meta Business Suite/Synup: Schedule posts for Facebook and Instagram
  • Hashtag campaigns: Use relevant hashtags to increase engagement and visibility and encourage users to participate.
    • Examples: #tiptuesday #pearlanddentist #texasdentist
  • Visual storytelling: Utilize engaging visuals, including before-and-after photos and graphics explaining oral health tips.
Pearland Dental Social Posts
Pearland local engagemnet
  • Local engagement: Engage with the community by showcasing team outings on social media and tagging local businesses to show support.


Implementing these strategies has significantly improved engagement, expansion of reach, and a positive perception within the community.

  • 67.7% increase in Facebook reach
  • 149% increase in published Facebook posts
  • 105% increase in Facebook visits
  • 32.2% increase in Instagram reach
  • 35.5% increase in Instagram profile visits

Pearland Dental Group improved its social media presence through community-oriented, engaging content, consistent posting schedules, and active local engagement efforts.

Pearland Social Data


318 Facebook Page likes

332 Facebook followers

153 Instagram followers

Facebook Page Summary

28 New followers

441 Likes and reactions



4 Unfollowers

Amplify Your Web Presence with Now Media Group

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