SEO Audits

Boost, Analyze, and Optimize Your Website

Has Your Website Received a Recent SEO Audit?

Behind every website are technical aspects that make it run smoothly. With a technically healthy website that’s optimized properly, you can start ranking at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). However, if there are problems both behind the scenes and what users can see, your search rankings may plummet. That’s where the importance of regular SEO audits comes into play.

If you’re unsure what any of this means, don’t sweat it. Now Media Group, a digital marketing company, has your back. To get started with our SEO services, contact our team today to receive your free SEO audit and strategy call!

What Are SEO Audits?

SEO audits are comprehensive evaluations of a website’s search engine optimization performance and effectiveness. The primary goal of these audits is to assess how well a website is optimized for search engines and to identify areas for improvement. This process involves analyzing various elements that contribute to a site’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages

Why perform an SEO audit?

This process of running audits can reveal actionable insights that lead to better search engine performance and user engagement. Identifying and addressing issues during an SEO audit can elevate your website’s position in the search results, leading more people to find your business.

technical SEO

Essential SEO Audit Components

Diving into an SEO audit, we encounter several key areas. These include:

Top SEO Audit Tools

  1. Google Search Console: Google Search Console stands tall. It’s a free site audit tool that can be used to conduct a full SEO audit, covering technical, on-page, and off-page SEO. With Google Search Console’s Index Coverage and ‘Pages’ reports, you can identify indexed pages and address any indexing errors.
  2. Screaming Frog: Screaming Frog is a comprehensive tool that can crawl your website, detecting several technical SEO issues. It audits critical on-page elements, such as page titles and meta descriptions, and analyzes response codes to ensure they adhere to SEO best practices.
  3. Ahrefs: Ahrefs includes a suite of tools for analyzing backlinks, keyword rankings, and content performance. With its backlink profile analysis tool, you can evaluate the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to your website. It also provides a Rank Tracker feature for monitoring keyword rankings and a Content Explorer tool for identifying trending content within your industry.

Step-by-Step SEO Audit Process

Site Crawl and Indexing Check

The first step in the SEO audit process is the site crawl and indexing check. Ensuring that search engines can efficiently crawl and index your website is of paramount importance, as it directly impacts your site’s core web vitals. Using Google Search Console’s Index Coverage and ‘Pages’ reports, you can identify indexed pages and address any indexing errors.

Analyze Site Structure and Navigation

A well-structured website enhances usability and search engine indexing. Optimal website architecture groups topically related content together, organizes these groups logically and emphasizes the most important pages.

Evaluate Content Quality and Relevance

True content quality is measured by audience engagement rather than solely by traffic or search rankings. Ideally, the content should be:

  • Compelling
  • Authoritative
  • Original
  • Valuable

Optimize On-Page SEO Elements

With the content quality and relevance checked, the next step is to optimize on-page SEO elements. This includes elements such as title tags, meta tags, meta descriptions, and headings. Schema markup improves how search engines understand and display the page in search results, potentially enhancing CTR with rich snippets.

Assess Off-Page SEO Factors

This involves evaluating all the pages for:

  • The quantity of external links from other pages and domains linking to your target pages
  • Quality of those links
  • The distribution of those links
  • The recency of those links

Comparing your domain against competitors during an SEO audit helps identify your standing and uncovers potential areas for off-page SEO improvement.

Monitor Performance and Adjust Strategy

Regular use of site audit tools, in tandem with staying updated with website changes through frequent SEO audits, aids in detecting new issues and monitoring technical SEO progress. Action plans post-audit and ensuing strategy optimizations play a significant role in boosting site traffic, leads, and conversions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t Let Your Site’s Performance Dwindle

How much organic traffic are you losing due to poor website performance? If the answer is even one potential new patient or customer, you need to perform a new site audit. If you don’t have the time or have no idea where to even start, contact Now Media Group! We’ll take care of your website by optimizing it, performing regular updates, and tracking how well our strategies work.

Call us today to set up your free website evaluation!

Amplify Your Web Presence with Now Media Group
