Boost Your SEO Game With Long-Tail Keyword Strategies

Long-Tail Keywords Are Your Secret Weapon for Online Visibility

Expand Your Keyword Optimization and Rank More Often

Have you ever wondered why some websites seem to effortlessly attract traffic and convert visitors into customers? The secret sauce might be long-tail keywords — those specific, low-search volume queries that make up the majority of searches and can lead to higher conversion rates due to their targeted nature. Unlocking the potential of these keywords can be a game-changer for your SEO (search engine optimization) strategy.

At Now Media Group, our digital marketing team crafts custom keyword strategies, ensuring that you’re reaching new users and tapping into that unmet potential. So let us help you achieve new highs of organic search traffic and outrank your competitors with our custom keyword techniques!

Contact us today to set up your free strategy call.

What Are Long-Tail Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are extended keyword phrases, typically three or more words, that are highly specific and often related to your product or service. While they may have a lower search volume compared to more common keywords, they still account for a significant portion of search queries. For example, while the main term might be “shoes”, a long-tail variant could be “men’s running shoes for flat feet”. Incorporating a variety of long-tail keyword ideas can greatly improve your SEO strategy.

Compared to short-tail keywords, long-tail phrases are less competitive and can lead to higher conversion rates. For example, a person searching for “men’s running shoes for flat feet” is much closer to purchasing than someone simply searching for “shoes”.

Why They Matter

In the world of SEO, where competition is fierce, long-tail keywords can be your secret weapon. This is due to their specificity and relatively low search volume, creating a lower level of competition in search engine results pages (SERPs). Utilizing them correctly can lead to higher rankings, drawing in more targeted traffic, and can ultimately influence your website’s performance.

However, driving traffic is not the only benefit. Specific long-tail keywords can significantly improve conversion rates by targeting a more precise audience and enhancing user experience. Their power lies in their relevancy — users who search using long-tail phrases often know exactly what they’re looking for, making them more likely to convert if they find it on your website.

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How to Find Long-Tail Keywords for Your Industry

Identifying long-tail keywords is not a matter of guesswork, but a process that requires strategic research of your website’s analytics, leveraging social media platforms, and using various keyword variation tools. The goal is to identify those specific long-tail keyword phrases that your target audience is using but your competitors may not be.

keyword research

Top Tools for Keyword Research

There are several keyword research tools designed specifically for long-tail keyword research. These can help you identify relevant keywords, analyze their performance, and see what your competitors are using.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console enables website owners to:

  • Monitor and improve website visibility in Google search results
  • Get valuable insights into how Google perceives and crawls the website
  • Access information on indexing status, search queries, backlinks, and more

A key feature of Google Search Console is its capacity to offer insights into your website’s performance, which can be leveraged to:

  • Identify long-tail queries that are driving traffic
  • Analyze these insights to uncover valuable long-tail keyword opportunities
  • Enhance SEO efforts


Ahrefs is another effective tool for finding long-tail keywords. This comprehensive SEO tool offers a suite of features for keyword research, including the identification of long-tail keywords and competitor analysis. Additionally, it allows you to analyze your competitors’ top-ranking pages to discover the long-tail keywords they are targeting.

Optimizing Your Content

After identifying your long-tail keywords, the next step involves using them throughout your content. Our team will craft compelling titles and headings that incorporate your target keywords, as well as maintain a balanced keyword density throughout your content.

It’s not just about stuffing your content with keywords. The key to effective optimization is to incorporate the chosen keywords naturally and strategically into your content, all while providing valuable, informative content that answers your audience’s queries.

Keyword Density

When optimizing your content, we’ll make sure to maintain a balanced keyword density. This refers to the ratio of keywords to total words in your content. It’s an important factor in SEO as search engines use it to understand the context of your content and rank it accordingly.

We want to avoid keyword stuffing, as it can harm our SEO efforts. Search engines can penalize or even remove websites that overuse keywords. Instead, we aim to incorporate your long-tail keywords naturally and strategically into your content, maintaining a keyword density of around 1 to 2%.

How to Tell if a Keyword Strategy is Working

Of course, the task isn’t over once you’ve put your long-tail keyword strategy into action. Monitoring and adjusting your strategy based on performance and changing trends is crucial. Remember, SEO is a long-term game, and the landscape is constantly changing. What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow, so it’s crucial to stay flexible and be ready to adapt your strategy as needed.

  1. Tracking Keyword Performance: A primary aspect of overseeing our long-tail keyword strategy is observing keyword performance. This involves keeping a close eye on metrics such as search volume, keyword difficulty, click-through rate, and conversion rate. We’ll track both main keyword ideas, plus our chosen long-tail keyword ideas we’ve implemented. By tracking these metrics, we can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of our long-tail search terms. If certain keywords are underperforming, we’ll adjust our strategy and focus on other, more effective keywords, whether that’s more relevant searches or high search volume phrases. On the other hand, if a broad keyword is performing well, we may optimize your content further to take full advantage of it by using a seed keyword.
  2. Adapting to Changing Trends and Competitor Strategies: Adapting to shifting trends and competitor strategies is another significant aspect of overseeing our long-tail keyword strategies. It’s important to stay ahead of these changes and adjust our strategy accordingly. Keeping an eye on your competitors can provide valuable insights. By observing their keyword strategies, we can identify gaps in your strategy and find new growth opportunities. The goal isn’t just to keep up with your competitors, but to stay one step ahead and beat them in the search results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let Our Marketing Team Cultivate the Best Long-Tail Keyword Strategy

Long-tail keywords are a powerful tool in our SEO arsenal. By understanding their importance, discovering them through strategic analysis, and optimizing your content accordingly, we’ll help you significantly boost your search engine rankings and attract more targeted traffic. We’ll also regularly monitor and adjust your strategy to stay ahead of the game and ensure you achieve lasting success.

So, what are you waiting for? Let our SEO experts formulate and implement the best keyword strategy and catapult your website to the top of your local search market.

Amplify Your Web Presence with Now Media Group
