Aligning PPC Goals with Wider Sales Funnels


Start Your PPC Journey with Now Media Group

Do you ever feel like you’re doing everything right with PPC—optimized ads, relevant landing pages, bidding on the right keywords—but still aren’t getting the explosive growth you expected? Driving exponential business growth takes more than just having a good product or service; it requires strategic alignment between your paid advertising efforts and the overall sales funnel.

Properly setting up PPC campaigns to integrate with the sales funnel at multiple stages leads to capturing more qualified leads, converting them more efficiently, and maximizing customer lifetime value. The digital marketing experts at Now Media Group can help align your paid advertising and sales funnel goals. If you’re looking to supercharge your funnel and PPC results, give Now Media Group a call today at (858) 333-8950.

What Are PPC Goals?

PPC (pay-per-click) goals are the specific objectives and desired outcomes you set for your paid search ad campaigns. Common PPC goals include:

  • Clicks
  • Conversions
  • Leads
  • Sales
  • Return on ad spend

These metrics need to tie back to your key business KPIs and growth strategies. If you aren’t seeing the PPC results you want, it’s likely a goal misalignment.

Wider Sales Funnel Goals

While PPC campaigns include specifics like clicks, CTR, and conversions, your overall sales funnel has wider benchmarks and KPIs that extend beyond just paid advertising. To explode business growth, you need to ensure your PPC efforts align with funnel-wide objectives at each stage.

Awareness StageGlobal reach

To drive interest and later sales, you first need to focus on impressions and reach. People can’t click on an ad if they never see it! Awareness stage goals include total impressions, increased brand visibility, wider audience reach, getting ads in front of more potential customers, and driving more traffic to kick-off content like blogs and videos. This initial visibility and traffic are what fuel the rest of the funnel.

Interest Stage

As you gain awareness, the next step is converting that newfound attention into engagement. Site traffic growth, time on site, and repeat visitor rate help indicate rising interest levels from which you can nurture leads. You want to see traffic growth from paid channels, a rise in organic traffic as people seek you out more, increased average session duration, more pages viewed per session, and a higher visitor repeat rate. These compounding effects show your messages are resonating.

Evaluation Stage

Now that you’ve sparked interest, you need to capture lead contact information for further sales nurturing. Goals in the evaluation stage include improving the lead form conversion rate, getting more people to sign up for free trials or demos, generating more calls and contact requests, identifying promising sales prospects through lead scoring, and building custom audience lists for retargeting.

Tracking and Analytics

You’ll want to implement tracking and analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns at each stage of the funnel. Monitor key performance indicators such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend. This data provides valuable insights into campaign performance and informs ongoing optimization efforts.

PPC campaigns aren’t static; they require continuous refinement. Regularly review your ad performance data, gather user feedback, and iterate on your strategy. Make data-driven adjustments to keywords, ad copy, and targeting parameters to enhance campaign efficiency and align more closely with sales funnel objectives.

Take Your Numbers From Good to Greatbullseye

If explosive growth through aligned ad spending and revenue generation sounds good to you, give us a call at (858) 333-8950! Our team of experts can map out your sales journey, identifying leaks across the funnel while also building omnichannel advertising strategies tailored to each buyer stage. We use attribution and analytics to optimize every conversion, leading to maximum business growth quarter-over-quarter! Call today & learn more!

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