10 Best Keywords for PPC Campaigns


Stop Wasting PPC Budget! The 10 Types of Keywords You Need for Success

Are you pouring money into PPC campaigns that aren’t delivering the results you crave? At Now Media Group, a full-service digital marketing agency, we understand the power of strategic PPC advertising to propel your business growth. But even the most robust PPC budget can fizzle out without the right fuel.

We’re unveiling the top 10 types of keywords that can ignite your PPC campaigns and send your click-through rates skyrocketing. Are you ready to transform your PPC efforts? Keep reading, and for a free consultation with our digital marketing experts, call Now Media Group today at (858) 333-8950!

The Power of the Right Keywords

PPC thrives on laser focus. By incorporating the right keywords into your campaigns, you achieve three key objectives:

  1. Reaching the Right Audience: Imagine casting a fishing net—relevant keywords act as the bait, attracting users actively searching for products or services like yours.
  2. Boosting Conversion Rates: When users land on your website after clicking on a relevant ad, they’re more likely to convert (i.e., make a purchase or subscribe to a newsletter). Irrelevant keywords lead to clicks that fizzle out, leaving you with nothing but a hefty bill.
  3. Optimizing Your Budget: Strategic keywords help you get the most bang for your buck. By targeting users with high purchase intent, you avoid wasting the PPC budget on clicks from those simply browsing.

1. Branded KeywordsSEO graphic

Branded keywords are terms that include your brand name. These keywords are crucial because they target users who are already familiar with your brand and are likely further down the sales funnel. Bidding on your branded keywords ensures you maintain visibility and control over your brand’s search results.


  • “Nike running shoes”
  • “Apple iPhone 13”

How to Use Them

Create ad campaigns specifically targeting your branded keywords to capture high-intent traffic. Ensure your ads highlight unique selling points and promotions to capitalize on brand familiarity.

2. Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and usually longer phrases that users might search for. They typically have lower competition and cost per click (CPC) while being highly targeted, which can result in better conversion rates.


  • “best running shoes for flat feet”
  • “how to fix a leaking kitchen sink”

How to Use Them

Incorporate long-tail keywords into your ad groups and create highly relevant ad copy and landing pages to match the specific queries. This can improve your Quality Score and ad relevance.

3. Competitor Keywords

Competitor keywords are terms that include your competitors’ brand names or products. Bidding on these keywords can attract users who are comparing products or services and might be open to switching to your brand.


  • “Adidas running shoes vs Nike”
  • “Samsung Galaxy S21 alternatives”

How to Use Them

Create compelling ad copy that highlights your advantages over competitors. Ensure your landing page addresses the specific reasons a user might consider switching from a competitor.

4. Commercial Intent Keywords

Commercial intent keywords indicate that the user is ready to make a purchase. These keywords often include terms like “buy,” “discount,” “deal,” and “coupon,” signaling high buying intent.


  • “buy iPhone 13 online”
  • “discounted running shoes”

How to Use Them

Use these keywords in campaigns focused on sales and conversions. Make sure to highlight offers, discounts, and easy purchase options in your ad copy to drive conversions.

5. Local Keywordskeyword optimization

Local keywords target users searching for products or services within a specific geographic area. These keywords are essential for businesses that operate in specific locations, as they help attract local customers.


  • “dentist near me”
  • “best pizza in New York”

How to Use Them

Include location-specific terms in your keywords and ensure your ad copy and landing pages mention your location. Utilize location extensions in your ads to provide additional local information.

6. High-Volume Keywords

High-volume keywords are terms that receive a large number of searches. While they can be competitive and expensive, they also have the potential to drive significant traffic to your site.


  • “running shoes”
  • “laptops”

How to Use Them

Balance your use of high-volume keywords with more specific, lower-competition terms. Ensure your ad copy is highly relevant to stand out in a crowded search landscape and improve your quality score.

7. Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are terms you add to your campaigns to prevent your ads from showing up in irrelevant searches. They help improve the efficiency of your PPC campaigns by reducing wasted spend and irrelevant traffic.


  • If you sell premium shoes, you might add “cheap” or “free” as negative keywords.

How to Use Them

Regularly review your search term reports to identify irrelevant queries and add them as negative keywords. This ensures your ads only show to users who are more likely to convert.

8. Seasonal Keywords

Seasonal keywords target searches related to specific times of the year, holidays, or events. These keywords can help you capitalize on seasonal trends and drive relevant traffic during peak periods.


  • “Christmas gift ideas”
  • “summer vacation deals”

How to Use Them

Plan your PPC campaigns around seasonal trends and ensure your ad copy and landing pages reflect the seasonal context. Use promotional offers to entice users during these peak times.

9. Product-Specific KeywordsDynamic Keyword Insertion

Product-specific keywords target users looking for particular products or models. These keywords often indicate a higher intent to purchase and can drive more qualified traffic.


  • “Sony WH-1000XM4 review”
  • “Nike Air Max 270 price”

How to Use Them

Create targeted ad groups for specific products and ensure your ads and landing pages provide detailed information about the product, including features, benefits, and pricing.

10. Problem-Solving Keywords

Problem-solving keywords address specific issues or needs that users have. These keywords attract users looking for solutions, which can lead to high conversion rates if your product or service addresses their needs.


  • “how to fix a broken zipper”
  • “best software for video editing”

How to Use Them

Develop ad copy that emphasizes how your product or service solves the user’s problem. Create informative landing pages that provide solutions and encourage users to convert.

Get the Results You’re Looking For!

Selecting the right keywords is a foundational aspect of any successful PPC campaign. If you’re looking for PPC services, look no further than Now Media Group! To get started, contact our digital marketers today by calling (858) 333-8950 to schedule your free strategy call.

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