Targeting Keyword Variations to Reach More Patients

Targeted Marketing, PPC

Expand Your Online Reach and Bring in New Patients

If you run a dental practice, you likely spend time optimizing your website content for keywords potential patients may use to find you. However, most practices only focus on one or two core service terms like “family dentistry” or “cosmetic dentistry”. By targeting keyword variations around these core areas, you can reach more potential patients searching for dental help.

However, optimizing your website and content for multiple keyword variations takes time and skill. The digital marketing experts at Now Media Group have years of experience helping dental practices significantly expand their online reach and patient traffic through targeted keyword strategies.

Whether you need to optimize for terms like “dental implants”, “pediatric dentistry” or “best dentist in City”, Now Media Group has proven success driving patient growth for dental practices. Contact us today at (858) 333-8950 to discuss maximizing your online visibility.

Keywords and Keyword Variations in Marketing

Keywords are the words and phrases that users search for on search engines like Google when looking for information, products, or services online. They serve as the anchor for digital content and allow search engines to connect what users are querying to relevant web pages.Dynamic Keyword Insertion

Keyword variations refer to creating content that not only targets your core service terms, but also incorporates related synonyms, longer phrases, and question formats that potential patients may use. For example, a dentist may target the primary term “dental implants”, while also optimizing content for variations like “artificial tooth replacement”, “low-cost dental implants”, or “how much do implants cost”.

Targeting multiple keyword variations expands the reach of content to attract more web traffic from searches. It catches more types of user intent and reaches patients using different terminology. Implementing an effective keyword variation strategy takes research into related terms combined with precise content optimization and placement to drive organic growth.

Understand Your Core Service Offerings First

When it comes to selecting the best keywords, you need to start by determining the core dental services you want to rank for and get more patients in your doors for. Pinpoint the one or two main areas you want to be known for like “pediatric dentistry” or “dental implants”. This creates a foundation for keyword variations.

Consider Synonyms and Related Terms

Next, expand your keyword list by brainstorming synonyms, versions, and other related terms people may use when searching for your dental services. Keyword ideas may include:

  • “Kids dentist”
  • “Tooth replacement”
  • “Invisalign near me”
  • “Teeth cleaning”

Group these ideas with your core terms to create initial keyword clusters around service themes.

Research Keyword Search Volumes

Use Google’s keyword planner, or any other keyword tool of choice, to analyze monthly search volumes for both your core dental terms and your synonyms. This helps you estimate demand and select the best high-potential keyword targets.

Optimize Content for Each Variation

With your targeted keyword variations, create website content optimized for each one. For example, have pages specifically about “pediatric dentistry”, and “dental implants” to ensure that you have information at the ready for your potential patient.

Make sure to update these website pages to include your expanded keyword variations within page titles, headers, image names, and content where relevant.

Keep Your Core Services Consistentman holding smartphone and cup of coffee.

While optimizing for keyword variants, keep mentioning your core service offerings consistently across key pages. Targeting multiple keyword variations takes some additional effort, but can help you attract more patients searching broader dental terms. Start by auditing your existing content and identifying additional optimization opportunities around related keywords. This strategy can expand your practice’s visibility and help more people find the specialized dental care you offer.

Why Choose Now Media Group?

Regarding expert dental PPC management, you want a specialist focused solely on driving new patients to your practice. Now Media Group gives dentists a dedicated partner with proven pay-per-click expertise.

Here are 5 key reasons to choose our team for your PPC advertising:

  • Customized Campaigns: We tailor every PPC detail specifically to your practice and location rather than take a one-size-fits-all approach. From targeted keywords to compelling ad copy, we optimize for your unique situation.
  • Focused on Conversions: Simply driving clicks is easy – but converting those clicks into scheduled appointments requires a thoughtful strategy. Our team analyzes key metrics to maximize the ROI of your ad spend.
  • Results-Driven Tracking: Powerful analytics provide insight into what keyword terms and PPC elements work best. We demonstrate the value of your investment with regular performance reports.
  • Scaling for Growth: Whether you’re focused on adding patients in the next few months or want steady growth for years to come, we scale your PPC budget to achieve your expansion goals.
  • Dedicated Communication: Do you have questions or want to discuss new promotions? You get reliable access to your account manager for updates and adjustments keeping your vision aligned.

Get strategic, specialized PPC management driving patients to your dental office. Contact Now Media Group at (858) 333-8950 to get a free strategy call!

Expert Help Expanding Your Online Presence, Call Now!

Are you ready to implement keyword targeting strategies to reach more patients, but need guidance optimizing your website and content? The marketing professionals at Now Media Group can help. With years of experience helping dental practices boost their online presence, they have the expertise to maximize your website traffic, leads, and patients.

Contact Now Media Group today at (858) 333-8950 for a free strategy call. Our dedicated team will evaluate your current online visibility, identify new keyword opportunities, and provide specific recommendations for driving more patients to your practice this year.

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