Creating Strong Calls To Action

Content Curation, Marketing

Inspire Potential Patients To Get Started With Your Dental Practice

If you want to attract new patients and grow your dental practice, having an effective website is critical. But simply having a website isn’t enough — you need to inspire visitors to take action. This is where calls to action become crucial.

A call to action (CTA) is an instruction or prompt on a website that tells visitors what you want them to do next. CTAs are essential to dental website design, as they guide visitors through their journey from awareness to becoming a patient. Strong CTAs can significantly improve lead generation and conversion rates.

Now Media Group, a full-service digital marketing agency based in San Diego, CA, helps dental practices nationwide acquire new patients. Call (858) 333-8950 today to schedule a consultation with a representative, and we’ll create your expansive digital presence.

Types of Calls to Action for Dental Websites

There are a few main types of calls to action that work well for dental websites, including:

  • scheduling an appointmentRequest an Appointment: This invites people to schedule an appointment online or by calling your office. Include quick facts about your office hours, location, and insurance plans you accept.
  • Request Information: Some visitors may not be ready to book but want to inquire about your services or insurance plans. CTAs like “Request an Information Packet” or “Contact Us Today” allow them to take a small step.
  • Download/View: Offering free educational materials and resources to download can attract new contacts. For example, “Download our Free Dental Care Guide.”
  • Subscribe: Email subscriptions enable you to build relationships with website visitors. Encourage signups with a CTA like “Subscribe to our monthly dental newsletter.”
  • Call Now: Some people still prefer to call to make appointments or get information. Don’t forget simple CTAs like “Call [phone number] to schedule your appointment.”

Tips for Creating Strong Calls to Action

If you no idea where to start when it comes to creating strong, attention-grabbing CTA, here are some tips to ensure your CTAs stand out and compel visitors to click:

  • Use action-driven language. CTAs should always use strong action verbs that create urgency, like “Request an Appointment” or “Download the Guide.” Avoid weak words like “Learn more” or “Click here.”
  • Make them visible. Your CTAs should be easily scannable and visible on each page. Avoid burying them in dense paragraphs. Use headers, buttons, contrasting colors, and whitespace to make them stand out.
  • Place them strategically. Put your CTAs where visitors are most likely to notice and engage with them. Key areas are above the fold, in sidebars, at the end of blog posts, and near contact info in the footer.
  • Limit the number of CTAs. Too many calls to action can overwhelm visitors. Focus on the two to three most important actions you want visitors to take. Quality over quantity.
  • Be consistent with design. Keep your CTAs consistent in look and feel across your entire website. This could be using the same color button style, the same shapes and sizes, and similar text styles.
  • Tailor CTAs to stages of the journey. Early-stage visitors may need different prompts than those ready to book. Offer a progression of CTAs tailored to where visitors are in their decision journey.
  • A/B tests different CTAs. Use split testing to determine which wording, placement, colors, and designs perform best. Refine your CTAs over time.
  • Make them clickable. Ensure each CTA is hyperlinked to take visitors to the desired next step rather than general website pages.

Compelling Call-to-Action Examples

Let’s look at some great examples of calls to action:

  • Request an Appointment: A bright orange button with bold text stands out against a clean background. Clicking opens a simple contact form to schedule.
  • Download Our Free Dental Care Guide: An eye-catching guide cover image is linked to a PDF download. The CTA button matches other rounded blue buttons on the site.
  • 50 Percent Off Teeth Whitening: Time-limited special offers inspire action. This discount CTA button pops in a red header bar and is linked to the booking.
  • Subscribe to Email Newsletter: A short form overlay appears when visitors scroll down inviting email signups. Offering free dental tips incentivizes visitors.
  • Call [phone number] For Emergency Dental Care: For urgent needs, a bold phone number stands out on every page. Tracking phone calls helps gauge effectiveness.

Optimizing Your Dental Website CTAs

Once you’ve implemented calls to action, be sure to optimize them over time:

  • data analyticsReview analytics to see which CTAs have the most clicks and conversions. Find out which placement, design, and wording perform best.
  • Make changes and run A/B split tests to see if engagement improves. Test against the original as well as new variations.
  • Check that hyperlinks still direct visitors to working pages. Links going nowhere will frustrate visitors.
  • As you add new content, remember to include relevant CTAs on each new page and post.
  • Update CTAs to promote new offers, downloads, events, etc. Fresh content gives visitors new reasons to click.

Create New Patients With Effective Calls To Action

An effective dental website requires clear calls to action guiding visitors to conversion. Following the tips and best practices outlined above will help you create CTAs that engage visitors and inspire action. Optimizing these over time can continually improve lead generation and grow your new patient numbers.

Call (858) 333-8950 today to schedule your practice’s consultation with Now Media Group. Our team is committed to helping dentists grow their practices and get patients the care they need through proven dental marketing tactics.

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