“Google Rewards Reputable Reporting, Not Left-Wing Politics“
Remember the June algorithm update? There’s more consensus around the idea that it specifically targeted ‘fake news’ or, more specifically, the reliability of news sources.
The Economist covers a statistical study on how Google’s algorithm measures and weighs these different sources, and whether the algorithm has a bias in one political direction or another.
It turns out that, no, Google is not biased. The source is simply more likely to be weighed against if it’s radical, whatever the direction of that radicality.
Megan Haller, “Search to Video and Back Again“
How do video and organic search complement each other?
Oftentimes, we think of these two channels as separate sources of traffic and revenue. The truth is, like all channels, they relate to and work with each other.
In this short resource, Google helps us explore that relationship so that we can better pair the two approaches.
Brian Dean, “SEO Services Report“
In this comprehensive statistical report, Brian Dean explores the SEO services industry. How much are small businesses spending? Where are they finding their SEO resources? Why do people leave their providers?
The data suggests there’s a lot of room to improve industry standards.
One of the discoveries is that satisfaction is positively correlated with spend, meaning that clients who spend more tend to be happier with the results.
Joshua Hardwick, “Off-Page SEO: What It Is and Why It’s Important“
You’ve heard of title tags, meta descriptions, and keywords. You know how important page speed is. These are all factors that you can control on your website.
What about SEO factors outside of your website?
Ahrefs provides us with another fantastic resource on what off-page SEO is, covering link building, unlinked brand mentions, reviews, social media, and other factors that impact how well your site performs on organic search.
Bobby Allen & Michel Martin, “What Just Happened Also Occurred Before the Last 7 U.S. Recessions“
We’ve seen a spectacular period of economic growth and, finally, that’s started to materialize into higher wages for the bottom quintiles of the income distribution.
Is that period of growth coming to an end?
Recessions are periodic and par for the course, and there are signals that the next one is coming soon. It might be time to postpone that leveraging opportunity.